Empowering farmers, one harvest at a time
Tech in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated farmer- turned-Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa, addressing food security issues across the country, from Cape Town to Polokwane, Mafikeng to Port Elizabeth, Durban to the Karoo Desert.
Nestec is a full stack agriculture app. It provides the user, oftenly, a farmer, with a digitalised farm management platform from the comfort of the preferred device; for web use, a dektop or laptop, whilst, for mobile and hand-held devices, making use of our app available on mobile store platforms.
For hand-held devices... for android users, or for iPhone users.
follow this link for desktop versions, suitable for desktop
and laptop use (select the suitable OS version):
for Windows version, or
for Mac version.
Alternatively, you can try the web
Click and follow the button below and discover why most
South African farmers are now switching to our cutting edge
tech app as well as why it comes highly recommended.
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec is an agriculture app whose aim is to improve agricultural practices faced by South African farmers through its cutting edge tech stack. The app employs agriculture news content APIs and weather forecast APIs, helps the user manage their farm using cutting edge pest and disease detection AI technology.
Take charge of your farming today
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec was developed by a farmer from the Vaal, whose target market is the Jo'burg Market. However, its development spans to the entire Republic of South Africa. Moreover, its user friendly interface allows ease of use by anyone, regardless of tech and agriculture background.
Transform your farming today...
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec is an agriculture app whose aim is to improve agricultural practices faced by South African farmers through its cutting edge tech stack. The app employs agriculture news content APIs and weather forecast APIs, helps the user manage their farm using cutting edge pest and disease detection AI technology.
Transform your farming today... by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable for your device from these platforms:
Explore the app's features....
Nestec inventory module helps farmers manage the farm's labour, equipment, livestock and farm activities. The app utilises a database that stores each labourer's information, farm equipment details, as well as scheduled farm activities.
It is time to re-organise your farming today...
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your preferred device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec disease detection module employs high precision technology provided by Roboflow's AI inference and detection models which use YOLO v8 training.
Spot that disease in your farm before it spreads today...
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your preferred device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec market news module employs agriculture news content APIs, bringing newly developed technological solution in the agriculture industry. The module takes advantage of live feeds from leading industry experts and reputable market sources, bring it all into under one 'roof' for the user's discretional use.
Grab the hottest and the latest agric development
content today...
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your preferred device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec seed database module utilises various seed breeder and suppliers database APIs, bringing all this at finger-tips' reach. The module allows the user to select the best-suited seed according the agrological zone and agronomical characteristics.
Browse for the best quality seeds and seed info
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your preferred device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Nestec weather module employs weather forecast APIs that retrieve hourly, daily or weekly weather forecast so as to allow the user to make informed decisions, planning ahead of time for farm activities' that are significantly affected and/ or influenced by weather conditions.
Get the best quality weather forecast info right at
your fingertips' reach today...
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your preferred device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
In this section, discover how Nestec came about, how and why it was developed, as well as the face behind its inception.
Take charge of your farming today
by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable
for your device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a farmer-turned Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
How, why and where was Nestec formed, built ...or any idea similar to these may be applicable in the quest to answer the billion dollar question as to how Nestec was coined.
Take charge of your farming today by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable for your device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Let's connect... Use the following links to interact with the app's developer. Any form of interaction is appreciated, and collaborations on developing this app or any other project further are most welcome.
Socials: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ernest-shongwe-31138b8b/ Git Hub: https://www.github.com/bshongwe X | Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ernest_b_shong
Project Project source code: https://github.com/bshongwe/Nestec_farm-app
Take charge of your farming today by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable for your device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa
Browse for more Nestec content ... view the following videos.
Take charge of your farming today by downloading your preferred copy of the app today suitable for your device from these platforms:
App development in Agriculture at its absolute best with cutting edge technology, designed by a dedicated Software Devoloper for farmers in South Africa